Great leaders need team building skills in order to be examples and effective to those they lead! Football is of course a key component of this.
It can be said that some of us are natural born leaders, others can be moulded into great leaders with dedication and team spirit. JS Academy believe that such skills are within us all! We just need the right coaching to bring this out of us.
Group training is a perfect opportunity to develop such skills. Within each session, JS coaches will put focus on encouraging each player to communicate and motivate one another.
Natural leaders are confident, determined and driven for both themselves and their team mates. They also have the ability to bring out the best in people around them. Players at JS Academy will always have the opportunity to become a leader.
So why are we going on about leadership skills?
Because its important in football! It allows a free-flowing game, where each player is directed into space and opportunity, in order to enhance overall performance. Such a skill provides more benefits, It supports decision making, risk taking and overall motivation.
"Leadership is someone who finds solutions to problems, and then shows others around them how to solve it"
Jordan Smith, Head Coach
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